Online Album: Birthday Bash in Belgium
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Piers perched in the Botanical gardens
Sherrie in the Botanical gardens

Sherrie hiding in the shade of the gardens

Piers & Sherrie infront of the Kings residence

Sherrie calling mum, drinking beer in the square

Piers waiting patiently for his food at a Tunisian restaurant
Brussels, Belgium May 2003
It was just before Sherrie's 24th birthday that she received her special birthday present, two tickets too Brussels to stay in a gorgeous 5 star hotel. With Sherrie's ability to sniff out a secret Piers had to work hard to plan, book and surprise Sherrie with her birthday bash to Brussels.

Piers perched in the Botanical gardens

Sherrie in the Botanical gardens

Sherrie hiding in the shade of the gardens

Piers & Sherrie infront of the Kings residence

Sherrie calling mum, drinking beer in the square

Piers waiting patiently for his food at a Tunisian restaurant