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St Pauls Bay, Lindos, Rhodes / 8th September 2007
It was beautiful Saturday afternoon, on St Pauls beach where many people were sunbathing like turkeys roasting on a spit unaware of a horde of wedding guests about to decend on the quiet little white church.....

View of Lindos from St Pauls Bay
St Pauls Bay beach

The wedding party in position

The bridal party walking down the hill

Spoken once in Greek

The Greek registrar begins

Wedding party during the ceremony

Then in English

The first kiss?

Putting on the 'one' ring

The bridal gang

Congratualtions from the registrar

They just will not cut

100 red balloons

Terry & Wilma

Alas we have lift off


Bride & Groom

...more piccies of us....

Bride & Groom...again

Bev, Mike, Piers & Sherrie

..and another piccy.

Bry, Fern, Piers & Sherrie

Pat, Paul, Piers & Sherrie

Terry, Wilma, Piers & Sherrie

Bry, Fern, Catherine, Piers & Sherrie

Everyone shouting "Yamas"

Best man Liam & Groom

Bride & Groom

Group shot from the side

covered in petals

Confetti swarm on the steps

our carriage awaits....

on towards the boat